Science Diplomacy & Oversight
Science thrives through the process of debate & discourse
False Presumptions of Science Rebutted Here:
The UN and WHO use climate and science diplomacy to persuade the governments that there are a number of existential threats which only they can solve... If the States will commit to heavily funding their unproven agendas. It is time to find out if there is any science behind all these multi billion dollar deals that affect our rights & lives!
We are committed to sending multiple freedom of information requests (FOIA's) and filing cases to settle the truth on scientific legal issues. It is our mission to find the lack of science in UN and government programs, which will allow us to sue for precautionary measures to stop the following unproven interventions (experiments) until science, safety, ethics and legality are judicially settled:

The UN and WHO use climate and science diplomacy to persuade the governments that there are a number of existential threats which only they can solve… If the States will just be overly compliant and blindly commit to heavily funding their unproven agendas. It is time to find out if there is any science behind all these multi billion dollar deals that affect our rights & lives! – Show Us The Science!
About Us
Hearings and precaution for novel emerging sciences.
The people have the right to a hearing to show us the science when the governments are acting to limit human rights. During the 2020 -2023 WHO PHEIC and covid-19 declared pandemic emergency, experts found that human rights were limited due to countries being bound to follow WHO contentious and debatable “technical” recommendations. Many experts were censored and persecuted for expressing their opinion that WHO is engaging in scientific fraud at worst or at best relying on clear misinterpretations of law and UN fear mongering. We think it is time the public officials show us the science or the courts should issue precautionary measures.
Show Us The Science! is a body in defense of our rights organized by Interest of Justice (IOJ) .
The WHO International Negotiating Body (INB) recognizes IOJ as an “interested and relevant stakeholder” which the WHO defines as “having relevant knowledge to share”.
We represent the scientific majority of reasonable and prudent scientists that question the legality and safety of many emerging sciences that are being used during research phase outside clinical trials. Many topics we are addressing involve the use of WHO recommended psychological, behavioral scientific or medical experiments on humanity outside clinical trials. Most, if not all topics we challenge are still “emerging science”, and therefore investigational, unproven, and may cause iatrogenic harm to the environment, genome, financial system, health system, and to human health and life.
We seek to invalidate the WHO’s International regulations (IHR and amendments) and any pandemic treaties that force States to consider only the WHO guidance when “science is limited”.